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Strategic Plan

The Grand Island Central School District’s five-year strategic plan was developed with input from every stakeholder in our district including school related personnel, parents, students, teachers, administrators, community leaders and our board of education.

When we think about aspiring to become a championship school district, it really involves all of us on a path of continuous improvement.

Here are some highlights regarding the Strategic Plan:

  • A new statement was added to our mission statement indicating we are all responsible for inspiring all students to achieve their highest potential by fostering academic excellence, personal growth, and social responsibility. 
  • Over 6,000 comments were collected and reviewed through approximately 16 focus groups conducted with every stakeholder group.
  • Strategy maps for each department as well as elementary and secondary schools were developed with specific timelines and goals over the span of the plan.

Six main goals were developed:

  • To steward the District toward improved services and support that foster the wellness and behavioral health of students.
  • To continue to work with other District stakeholders to improve the District's connectedness to the Grand Island and Western New York communities.
  • To make inter-building communications and practices as seamless as possible. 
  • To foster a level of academic achievement emblematic of championship school districts.
  • To ensure the completion of all curriculum maps while fostering expansion of the STEAM curriculum.
  • To review, revise and expand benchmark assessments as appropriate.

Read the Strategic Plan