Scope of Work
Proposed Scope of Work
Grand Island HS/MS - Renovations
- HS Music Wing drinking fountain, wash sink and restroom
- HVAC replacement in the HS Library
- Increase security at HS entrance
- Create a new secure MS entrance addition
- Renovate the MS main and guidance offices
- Provide air conditioning to HS Cafeteria
- Enclose the courtyard adjacent to the HS Gym, for sports equipment storage.
- Disconnect and replace 29 existing unit ventilators in perimeter classrooms of the middle school 1967 building.
- Auditorium HS renovations
- Create a window opening in the sound booth
- Improve auditorium acoustics
Charlotte Sidway Elementary - Renovations
- Roof replacement and associated work
- Provide A/C to cafeteria
William Kaegebein Elementary - Renovations
- Replace existing roof
Huth Rd Elementary - Renovations
- Kitchen renovation
- Replace theatrical lighting at the auditorium
- Replace auditorium seating
- Provide A/C to auditorium
Grand Island HS/MS - Sitework
- Provide multi-sport artificial turf complex for baseball, softball, soccer, lacrosse and football with associated fencing, sidewalks and scoreboards
- New dugouts
- Replace existing tennis courts
- Build a new roadway, including all associated work, from parking at baseball field to parking by new athletic complex
- New portable bleachers
- Concession building and restrooms
- Athletic field lighting
How Do Artificial Turf Fields Benefit Our Students?
- Outdoor Middle and High School physical education classes
- Multi-purpose for baseball, softball, soccer, lacrosse
- Corrects poor drainage so home games are not cancelled
- Brings baseball and softball home games back to our GICSD campus
- Baseball/softball could host both their varsity and JV contests the same day
- Allows for JV lacrosse on new field and varsity lacrosse in the stadium
- Available for GI community, travel and house leagues
"For the last 50 years the baseball teams have lost many home games in the early weeks of the season due to wet grounds and lately our softball teams have experienced similar issues at Veterans Park with rainy spring seasons. A multi-sport turf complex for baseball, softball and lacrosse in the spring alone will let us play all our home games as scheduled and increase our home games by hosting other schools with wet fields. With the flexibility of the lights, we could play lacrosse, softball and baseball all in one day.” -- Jon Roth, GICSD Athletic Director