BOE Roles & Responsibilities
About the BOE
A seven member Board of Education governs the Grand Island Central School District Board members have been elected to three-year terms since 1979, when residents expanded the board from five to seven members and shortened the terms of office from five to three years.
Through its membership in the New York State School Boards Association and the Erie County Association of School Boards, the Grand Island Board of Education attempts to influence legislative proposals in ways that will be most beneficial to the instructional program and to the community.
The Board of Education of the Grand Island Central School District shall consist of seven (7) members, elected at large by the qualified voters of the school district at the annual election as prescribed by law. Members shall serve overlapping terms of three (3) years, and each term expire on the thirtieth (30) day of June of the third year.
As a body created under the Education Law of New York State, the Board of Education of the Grand Island Central School District has full authority, within the limitations of federal and state laws and the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education and interpretation of them, to carry out the will of the people of its District in matters of education.
In all cases where laws or regulation of the State Commissioner of Education do not provide, permit, or prohibit, the Board shall consider itself the agent responsible for establishing and appraising education matters and activities.
Boards members have no authority over school affairs as individuals. They have authority only when acting as a body duly called in session.
The members of the Board shall have clearly defined duties, which are understood by members of the Board and citizens of the district.
1. Members of Board of Education shall contribute to the development of the specifications describing the various duties of the officers of the Board.
2. Officers appointed by the Board shall have their positions and duties stated prior to their acceptance of the position.
3. Revisions of the job specifications may be made only after careful consideration by all members of the Board.
Education Law Sections
1701, 1804 and 1805
Board of Education members of the Grand Island Central School District must meet the following qualifications:
1. A citizen of the United States
2. Eighteen (18) years of age
3. Able to read and write
4. A legal resident one (1) year prior to the election
5. Cannot be an employee of the Grand Island Central School District.
Recognizing the Complexity of public elementary/ secondary education and the limited time available to the unpaid, volunteer members of the Board of Education, the Board has decided that could best fulfill its responsibilities by adopting a role consisting of the following:
- Performance of all functions required by statue, which cannot be delegated legally or prudently.
- Selection of a Superintendent who is competent to manage the District school system.
- In conjunction with the Superintendent, the development and implementation of a realistic, comprehensive, strategic plan which shall specify:
- The current educational objectives of the District in terms of student performance;
- Process objectives to be achieved during the current year (each of which shall be justified in terms of its expected eventual contribution to student learning);
- The resources required for the achievement of each of the objectives;
- A time schedule of events which is sufficiently detailed to permit the Board to make periodic evaluations, during the coarse of the year, of the degree of achievement in relation to the Superintendent's plan; and
- A systematic, summary reporting procedure which will provide the Board with periodic information regarding year-to-date progress against objectives.
- Evaluation on the Superintendent's performance on the basis of:
- Achievement in relation to the approved District plan.
- Compliance with laws, regulations and policies of the Board.
- The degree to which he/she handles question, complaints and crises to the satisfaction of the community, the faculty, the students and the Board, without requiring time-consuming analysis and intervention by the Board.
- The degree to which the District has demonstrably maintained or increased its capability services, and/or to operate efficiently
- To assist the Superintendent by providing the necessary fiscal and moral encouragement.