BOE Meetings
Live BOE Meeting
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Recorded BOE meetings
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BOE Meeting Info
Grand Island Board of Education Meeting Schedule (2024-25)
7:30 p.m. – Board meeting or special board meeting and workshop (Grand Island High School Professional Development Room unless otherwise noted)
July 8, 2024: Reorganizational meeting, 7 p.m./BOE meeting immediately following.
Aug. 5, 2024: BOE meeting and workshop
Aug. 26, 2024: BOE meeting and workshop
Sept. 9, 2024: BOE meeting and workshop, at Eco Island
Sept. 30, 2024: BOE meeting and workshop
Oct. 7, 2024: BOE meeting and workshop at Charlotte Sidway Elementary School
Oct. 20 - 22, 2024: 104th NYSSBA Annual Convention and Education Expo in NYC
Nov. 4, 2024: BOE meeting and workshop at Huth Road Elementary School
Dec. 9, 2024: BOE meeting and workshop at William Kaegebein Elementary School
Jan. 6, 2025: BOE meeting and workshop at Grand Island High School
Feb. 3, 2025: BOE meeting/first budget input session at Grand Island High School
March 10, 2025: BOE meeting/second budget input session
March 24, 2025: BOE meeting/third budget input session
March 31, 2025: Joint meeting with the Grand Island Town Board (Grand Island High School Professional Development Room, 7 p.m.)*
(Tuesday) April 22, 2025: BOE meeting/budget adoption/E1B budget vote and election
April 29, 2025: Joint meeting with the Grand Island Town Board (Town of Grand Island Court Room, 7 p.m.)*
(Tuesday) May 6, 2025: BOE meeting 7:30 pm / Budget hearing 7 p.m.
May 20, 2025: Annual budget vote and BOE election
June 2, 2025: Tenure and retiree reception/BOE meeting and workshop
July 7, 2025: Reorganizational meeting, 7 p.m./BOE meeting immediately following
*These dates are subject to change.