Mission Statement
Mission Statement
Mission Statement
Inspire all students to achieve their highest potential by fostering academic excellence, personal growth and social responsibility.
Vision Statement
The Grand Island School District provides education of the highest quality which enables students to:
- develop their abilities and talents and channel them for the good of themselves and the community.
- secure knowledge of themselves, the community, the nation, and the world.
- appreciate a broad range of artistic endeavor.
- develop attitudes of respect for other human beings, their beliefs, and their cultures; and compassion for those in need.
- enter healthy and satisfying personal and professional lives.
- become responsible citizens.
- achieve academically, leading to a passion for lifelong learning.
Belief Statements
We believe that:
1. Students learn best when varied teaching, learning styles, and organizational patterns are utilized.
2. A secure and supportive environment is needed for learning.
3. Achieving excellence in education requires a significant and continuing commitment of both human and financial resources.
4. Quality education requires a commitment to excellence and shared responsibility on the part of school and community.
5. Success is crucial to learning.
6. Individuals shall be prepared to become responsible citizens of a global society.
7. The school community is responsible for exemplifying positive social values.
8. Education must prepare all students to meet the needs of a changing and technological society.
9. High standards of excellence are necessary for student and staff performance.
10. Appropriate measures of accountability, equitably applied, maximize student and staff performance.
11. Improving standards of excellence requires a commitment to a visionary plan to ensure quality education and is an ongoing process requiring adaptability to changing needs.
12. Students should be encouraged and mentored to develop attitudes of empathy, tolerance, respect for others, and service.
13. Participation in the arts, physical education, and service to the community are integral to student growth and learning.