Parent/Student Portal
Parent Portal
Welcome to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal Information Page
View the Portal Quick Reference Guide, which includes instructions for SETTING UP YOUR ACCOUNT.
The Grand Island Parent Portal allows parents / guardians to view information about their children anytime / anywhere. We are excited about the opportunity to promote educational excellence and to enhance communication with parents. The Parent Portal is available to all parents of students enrolled at Sidway, Huth Road, Kaegebein, Middle School and High School.
Technical Support should be directed to
Access Request Form & User Guide can be found at the bottom of this page.
Parent Portal User Expectations
Infinite Campus Portal is a tool for parents to access online, timely, and secure information about their children. Each parent / legal guardian is provided their own unique portal activation key for creating a user login and password for the Parent Portal. By activating the user account, parents / guardians agree to abide by and support the terms of use and user expectations set forth below.
Section I: User Expectations
The Internet and secure web access have altered the ways that confidential information may be accessed, communicated, and transferred by members of society. Those changes are influencing instruction and student learning. The School Board supports access by parents/guardians, teachers, and administrators to informational resources that will improve participation in a child’s education and improve communication between students, parents/guardians and the student’s teachers.
The Grand Island Central School District manages student information electronically and will make the student education records available for viewing only to authorized parents/guardians with a secure connection over the Internet. All parents/guardians will comply with all technology regulations/procedures, as well as all other District policies that may apply.
Electronic Access to Student Information Regulation
Grand Island Central School District uses a secure Internet site to enable electronic access to student information; enhancing communication between our parents/guardians, teachers, principals, and administrators.
A) Rights and Responsibilities
This access is a free service offered to current and active Sidway, Huth Road, Kaegebein, Middle School and High School parents/guardians of the Grand Island Central School District. Access to student information from the Internet is a privilege, not a right. Only after a family has enrolled their child(ren) in Grand Island Central School District will a parent/guardian be authorized to activate a web account. Once a student withdraws or graduates from Grand Island Central School District their access will be inactivated. Parents/guardians and staff must understand and practice proper and ethical use.
B) Information Accuracy Responsibilities
Information accuracy is the joint responsibility between schools and parents/guardians. Each school will make every attempt to ensure information is accurate and complete. If a parent/guardian discovers any inaccurate information, they will notify their school immediately and provide proof of the inaccurate information.
C) Electronic Web Access Agreement
Each parent/guardian must complete and sign the Parent / Guardian Agreement & Access Request Form. After verification of information on the form, the school will follow the process outlined in this regulation to establish an account. If a parent/guardian is unable to visit the school, they can complete the form, have the signature certified by a notary public, and mail the completed and signed form with the notary public seal and current date to their child’s school.
D) Use of the System
Parents/guardians are required to adhere to the following guidelines:
1) Parents/guardians will act in a responsible, ethical and legal manner.
2) Parents/guardians will not attempt to harm or destroy the school or the district’s data or networks.
3) Parents/guardians will not attempt to access Information or any account assigned to another user.
4) Parents/guardians will not use this Internet site for any illegal activity, including violation of Federal and State Data Privacy laws. Anyone found to be in violation of these laws would be subject to Civil and/or Criminal prosecution.
5) Parents/guardians who identify a security problem within the Portal must notify their school immediately, without demonstrating the problem to anyone else.
6) Parents/guardians will not share their password with anyone, including their own child(ren).
7) Parents/guardians will not set their computer to automatically login to the Internet site.
8) Parents/guardians identified as a security risk will be denied access to the site.
E) Security Features
1) Access is made available with a secure Internet site.
Note: Account holders are responsible for not sharing their passwords and to properly protect or destroy any printed/electronic documentation generated from this site.
2) Three unsuccessful login attempts will disable the user’s account. Until the school has verified the assigned user to the locked account, the account will remain locked. In order to use the account again the user will need to contact IC Portal Support at
3) The users will be automatically logged off if they leave their web browser open and inactive for a period of time.
4) The student’s account will be inactivated when the student withdraws or graduates from Grand Island Central School District.
5) The Parent/guardian account will be inactivated when all their child(ren) have either withdrawn or graduated from Grand Island Central School District, or a court action denies the parent/guardian access to the student’s information.
Section II: System Support
A) Support
1) For Technical Support, email
B) Limitation of School District Liability
The Grand Island Central School District will use reasonable measures to protect student Information from unauthorized viewing. The District will not be responsible for financial obligations arising through unauthorized use of the District's system or Internet. The District does not promise any particular level or method of access to the Internet site for viewing student Information. The District will not be responsible for actions taken by the parent/guardian or student that would cause compromise of their student Information. The District reserves the right to limit or terminate the Internet site for viewing student Information without notice. All parents/guardians of the District network by requesting an Internet site for viewing student Information account consent to electronic monitoring and understand that this is a private network used as an educational tool by Grand Island Central School District employees. Account activity is electronically recorded.
Section III: Parent Portal Access and Use
A) Initial Account Request and Setup
1) For Parents/Guardians:
- Accounts will be set up when enrollment is complete or by submitting a Parent / Guardian Agreement & Access Request Form.
- For security reasons, all parents/guardians must sign the form in the presence of a school principal or his/her designee. The school will verify parent/guardians identification with official government identification.
- If the parent/guardian cannot visit the school, a notary public must witness the parent/guardian signing the form and use their public seal with a current date.
- After the student is enrolled into the student information system, the parent/guardians requesting the account will be e-mailed or mailed an activation key and directions to access the system.
- If you need assistance, please contact the school building or