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Study Groups

Study Groups

Grand Island Faculty Study Groups

  • Need a chance to discuss an educational issue or idea with a couple of colleagues?
  • Need time to develop a new teaching strategy with teachers in your grade level or subject?
  • Interested in improving a teaching technique with someone who is an expert?

Then a study group is for you!

Study groups can be a unique way to pursue ongoing, comprehensive professional development. If approved, single payment is available for study group participants.

Ideas for Groups:

  • Teaching Reading Strategies
  • Assessment
  • Writing in the Content Area
  • Improving Questioning Techniques
  • Effective Lesson Design
  • Developing parallel assessments/rubrics
  • Cooperative Learning
  • Ideas for Active Participation
  • Handling Difficult Students
  • Science labs in Elementary Schools
  • Ideas for Implementing the Early Literacy Profile
  • Technology Integration Techniques & Lesson Development
  • Other

Interested in forming/participating in a Study Group?

  • Study Group Proposals are submitted via My Learning Plan by the group's facilitator. 
  • Once approved the activity appears on the calendar and participants can request approval.  
  • Any questions or concerns contact the office of Curriculum & Instruction.

GICSD Guidelines for Study Groups:

  • Decide if you want to join a study group at your school or if you want to organize a group that is district wide. There is more interaction between sessions when participants are from one school but the topics may be limited.
  • Make the group time and place convenient. Schedule the study group time as if it’s a class time. Write the dates and times in your planner. 
  • Select a place to meet that’s conducive to studying rather than to socializing. The library and empty classrooms are natural places for study groups. 
  • Decide on some ground rules for the group. Ground rules should include attendance, outside work, participation in discussion, etc. 
  • Choose a facilitator and a method of communicating that everyone will use (e-mail, interoffice mail, phone, etc.). 
  • Decide if you need to consult an expert for some part of your topic. See your Faculty Representative for help in locating one. 
  • Keep track of questions and side topics that come up during your group study. They may be the kernels of a future study group.
  • Take advantage of your learning style. If you are a visual learner, ask for explanations to be written down. If you are an auditory learner, ask for a clear verbal description. Know how you learn best, and make sure that you use this mode of learning.