My Learning Plan
My Learning Plan
My Learning Plan Login
General Guidelines to Follow:
- Any activity in house (faculty meetings, department meetings, BOCES CSLO, facilitator meetings, peer coach training/workshops/meetings, new teacher meetings, TIF meetings, Superintendent Days, professional development workshops etc.) -Teachers do not need to do anything except sign in. Building/Dept adds event to calendar, pre-registers, confirms attendance and awards hours.
- Rare exception to this includes Teacher Center Courses & Study Groups. These events are added to calendar (therefore teachers don't use a fill-in form) but teacher do have to request approval from calendar by completing the form that pops up. After the event, participants do not need to do anything.
- Any Activity outside the district (BOCES workshops at BOCES, NYSUT courses, Conferences, Graduate Courses etc.). Teachers need to request and prompt the activity through MLP for hours to be awarded.
3 Step Process for Activities Outside the District:
1. Prior Approval - A teacher requests approval by either filling out a form or requesting an activity from NYSUT Calendar. Once the form is submitted it routes to administrators in your building, department and Curriculum & Instruction and/or Personnel for approval (based on your User Profile & form). During this routing the activity remains in "Awaiting Prior Approval" section of your Learning Plan Tab.
- Fill - in Forms: - Note that fill-in forms have directions/guidance for each at the top of the form. All required fields are necessary for submission. Good rule of thumb - the more information you can provide the better!
- Conference & Travel Form - Used for conference and travel with expenses such as mileage, registration, hotels etc. This form is also used when a Teacher wants only Professional Development Hours for an activity outside the district.
- Salary Advancement Form - Used for any inservice or graduate course for which you are seeking salary advancement.
- Inservice Single Payment Form - used for any inservice/workshop/course etc. for which you are seeking single payment.
- Peer Coach Program Contact - Used only by Peer Coaches and their mentees to track contact that is NOT captured somewhere else. For example if a peer coach and their mentee attend a conference together at BOCES on a school day then they both submit the Conference & Travel Form and check the purpose PD Hours & Peer Coach or New Teacher. Their contact is then captured by that form. If a peer coach and new teacher meet in a classroom once a month during planning period, this activity is not captured anywhere so you use the Peer Coach Program Contact to log it.
- NYSUT Calendar - if you wish to take a NYSUT course you can use the NYSUT Calendar under Activity Catalogs. NYSUT also uses MLP - that is why this feature is available. Click on NYSUT, find the course and complete the form that pops up.
2. "Approved & In Progress" - approval has been granted when the activity moves to this section of your Learning Plan tab. You may now enter your sub request in AESOP (if necessary) and register for the event/course (if necessary). Only items with future dates should be in this section.
3. Final Approval - after you have attended an out of district activity, you must (in a timely fashion) click on the activity from the "Approved & In Progress" section and "Mark Complete". This alerts the district that you have participated in the activity and wish to receive pd/credit hours, payment, reimbursement etc. If you did not attend an activity at all "Drop It". When you mark complete the activity moves to "Pending Final Approval" on your Learning Plan Tab. At this time you must submit evidence of attending (certificate, original receipts, etc.) to your building clerical for further processing. Once Curriculum & Instruction and/or Personnel & the Business Office receive and process all proof/receipts then the request moves to "Most Recently Completed" & "My Portfolio". Only items in My Portfolio can be used as evidence for meeting NYS Teaching Standard 7: Professional Growth.
Keep an eye out for items that indicate More Information Needed! This can happen at either Prior Approval or Final Approval! These items have "paused" in the approval process and will not go further until the issue is resolved. Open the item to determine issue and enter requested information in comments.
TEACH Upload for Professionally Certified Teachers & TA III:
- Only activities in your "My Portfolio" get uploaded to TEACH
- TEACH Upload occurs once a year during the summer months. Only the previous school year 7/1 - 6/30 is uploaded and only activities with dates in that year are included.
- Tracking of professional development hours beginnings 7/1 of the year after the date on your Professional Certificate e.g. if your Professional Certificate is dated September 2010 then tracking of Professional Development Hours begins 7/1/11 (data in TEACH won't appear until the summer of 2012).
Skills Everyone Should Have:
Please note all documents/guides for using MLP are also in the File Library in MLP & in Technology Document Library - My Learning Plan Category.
- How to access & login - Guide attached below detailing how to get to My Learning Plan & login, what to do if you don't have a username/password & covers the Learning Plan Tab.
- Update/Manage My User Profile - profiles should be reviewed and updated at least once a year but as often as necessary.
- Access & Manage My File Library - users need to know how to access & manage their file library so they can attach documents to requests. Files must be added to library before starting a form in order to attach it! Archiving files at the end of each year ensures es at the end of each year
- Which form to use when - see the section above for Prior Approval of out of district activities to determine which form to use!
- What to do about in-house activities - NOTHING! Simply sign in at all in district activities!