- Charlotte Sidway Elementary
- Belief Statement
Belief Statement
Welcome to Charlotte Sidway School. Our beautiful facility hosts a strong instructional program with high academic expectations for our developing students. We are very proud of the educational program we offer to your children and hope that you will take the time to become actively involved in the many facets of our school.
An excellent school is characterized by an atmosphere of mutual respect and consideration among all members of the school community - students, staff, parents, administrators, Board members and community members.
In such a school:
- Open communication exists among students, staff, parents, administrators and The Board of Education.
- Students, staff and community feel a sense of ownership and pride in the School.
- The Principal is visible and accessible to students and faculty and, within reason, takes part in the daily activities of the school.
- Parents and faculty work together to emphasize the value of education and to monitor the academic performance of students.
We believe that every child can learn and that every child must experience success each day. We ask that you send your child to school ready to learn and develop a partnership with the teachers and support each other in your respective roles.
The following assumptions, or beliefs, form the basis for developing partnerships with all Sidway families:
- Parents are their children first and most important teachers.
- Parents love their children and want the best possible education for them.
- Parents will participate in ways they can, in light of their cultural, family, and personal priorities.
- Parents participate when they feel accepted, cared about, and respected by school personnel.
- Students benefit from their parents active involvement in schooling.
- A parent involvement program is only as successful as the school leadership and staff believe it can be.
We, the Sidway staff, hold these assumptions as truth and look forward to working with you this year.