My Home Page

  •       The Kaegebein Elementary Program provides the building blocks for future learning. The goal is to prepare every Kaegebein student to be a lifelong learner who will grow to become a productive, contributing member of a diverse society.  Students in grades 2-5 receive a strong foundation in mathematics, language arts, science, and social studies with specialized instruction in art, music, library, and physical education. 

    Welcome to Third Grade at Kaegebein

        Third graders who attend Kaegebein Elementary School participate in a variety of unique events, activities, and field trips.  Learning experiences include a strong emphasis placed on organizational and study skills and independent work habits.

        At this site you can find information to help you throughout the school year. 
    On the Class Information page you will find out
    important dates, find our supply list, our specials' schedule, our homework policy, and upcoming class activities such as parties, field trips, and projects.

        The Resources Page has Grand Island's Third Grade Curriculum  and Our Links  to teacher tested Websites that parallel our curriculum and connect you to school related sites.