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Student Busing Info e-Link

Versatrans e-Link

The Grand Island Central School District Transportation Department is utilizing a digital solution to distribute student busing information. We will be maintaining Versatrans e-Link® for parents/guardians to gain access to their child's busing information. Versatrans e-Link is an online student transportation parent portal, which enables parents to access their student's transportation information and bus schedules at any time.

Preliminary student bus stop information is currently active on the e-Link. This information is subject to change. Busing information is updated regularly and can be accessed at any time.

PLEASE NOTE: Bus stop times are estimated and are subject to change. Please have your child at the bus stop five minutes prior to pick-up times. Elementary students' parents/guardians should be at the bus stop with their children. Routing times are subject to change up to two weeks into the school year. Please refer to the My Stop App to access live bus GPS data.

BUSING REQUIREMENTS: High School and Middle School students may walk up to five-tenths (.5) of a mile to a bus stop. Students in grades 2-5 may walk up to three-tenths (.3) of a mile to a bus stop; kindergarten, and first-grade students may walk up to two-tenths (.2) of a mile to a bus stop. Parents/guardians of K-1 students are required to meet their children at the bus stop to help ensure their child’s safety.

Any further questions, please call Transportation at 716-773-8890.

The following step-by-step guide will help you navigate the Versatrans e-Link digital tool to retrieve your child's busing information.

STEP 1 - Visit the login page and log in. The username is your child's 5-digit student ID number, and the password is his/her 8-digit birthdate (ex: 02082010 for birthdate Feb. 8, 2010).


STEP 2 - On the next screen once you're logged in, select "Work with Students."


STEP 3 - On the next screen, select "View My Students."


STEP 4 - Select your child's name on the following screen. They will be listed along with their siblings and/or members of the same household.


STEP 5 - You will see your child's bus route information appear as follows. You may choose an export option if you would like to see a printer-friendly version of this information (select "View as PDF" in the drop-down list). PLEASE NOTE: Your session will time out after a certain period of inactivity.

 In the busing information, you can find the following data:

  • Your child's bus stops, both AM and PM.
  • Your child's bus arrival times, both AM and PM.
  • Your child's bus number.



STEP 6 - If the fields are blank for your child's busing information, one of the following may apply:

  1. Your residence is within a walk boundary to your student's school of attendance.
  2. You have notified Transportation that you will be driving your child to and from school (transportation survey, phone, email, etc.)

If you are eligible for transportation and circumstances change, please notify the Transportation Department of your request as soon as possible. We will provide transportation, however implementation time may vary.


STEP 7 - Please allow up to five days for alternate transportation bus stop requests to be updated.