My Stop App
My Stop App
My Stop App
My Stop is a web-based application available to all Grand Island Central School District parents to access live bus GPS information using a smartphone, tablet or computer and securely view the current location of their child’s bus on routes. The system also provides the school bus’s estimated time of arrival at your child’s bus stop.
Note: Currently, My Stop is available only for morning and afternoon routes that serve K-12 students attending Grand Island Central Schools, not field trips, activity/late buses, or Off-island, non-public school routes.
How My Stop Works
The new MyStop tracking software is integrated with the District’s computerized bus routing system and the GPS devices installed on every school bus used in the Grand Island Central School District. Data integration takes the student’s bus route information and overlays it onto a map that tracks the actual location of a student’s school bus to the designated pick-up/drop-off point. A parent (guardian) can only view information related to their child(ren) using a secure login and password.
How Do I Access My Stop?
Each student has a unique Student ID # that will serve as the user name. Once you have logged into My Stop, you will be able to access all other children in your family through a drop-down menu so you only need to log in once. Simply follow the steps outlined below:
Open the My Stop app on your phone OR log into MY Stop on your computer by going to this link (
Use your student’s ID number and password. Your student's password is his/her 8-digit birthdate (ex: 02082010 for birthdate Feb. 8, 2010).
On the screen you will see a map depicting a portion of your child’s bus route.
Your child’s name will display in the box in the top menu bar. You can use this drop down to select other children in your family.
The yellow arrow represents the current location and direction of your child’s bus.
The box at the bottom of the map provides system messages and lists the current location of your child’s bus as well as the estimated time the bus will arrive at your child’s bus stop.
Note: Currently, My Stop is available only for morning and afternoon routes that serve K-12 students attending Grand Island Central Schools, not field trips, activity/late buses, or Off-island, non-public school routes.
Helpful Tips
The data provided through My Stop automatically refreshes the location of the school bus (yellow arrow) every 1 to 2 minutes. The actual location of a bus is delayed by the refresh rate. You will access the most accurate data if you check the system within 10 minutes of your child’s scheduled pick-up or drop-off time.
We recommend that students be ready for their bus within five minutes of their scheduled pick-up time.
Both parents and students will use the same login information to access the system (parents and students do not have separate accounts). However, you can view information on each child in your family from the drop-down menu at the top of the screen.
There may be times when MyStop is not be available for a particular bus. This may occur when buses are out of service for normal maintenance work and required Department of Transportation inspections.
If the application states “Bus is not running scheduled route” or “Bus is not active”, it does not mean there is a problem with the bus. All of our buses run multiple routes each morning and afternoon. These messages may occur when a bus is in between routes.
There may be times when the system is not showing an estimated time of arrival. This does not affect the actual location of the bus on the map. The most common reason for this message is that the bus has completed your student’s bus stop and is proceeding with its route.
If you need assistance, please email your request to Theresa Alizadeh