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COVID-19 Transportation Guidelines

COVID-19 Transportation Guidelines

As an industry, we will strive to provide the safest, most risk free ride for each Grand Island student possible. It is important to understand that the COVID - 19 health risk cannot be completely eliminated on the school bus. The following is a balance to the ability of the school district to meet new service requests with the need to address health risk mitigation with available resources. 


  • Buses will be cleaned and disinfected on a daily basis.  EPA approved disinfectant will be used when wiping down surfaces.  Drivers will wipe down high touch surfaces between runs.  Disinfecting of buses with Protexus Electrostatic Spraying Systems and PURE TABS products will be done at the end of the PM runs daily
  • Staff will be trained on use of cleaning and disinfecting practices
  • Social distance will be created between children on our school buses with (one) student per seat.  Siblings or children who reside in the same household will sit in the same seat (no more than 2 to a seat)
  • Contingency plans will be developed to reduce density on buses by staggering runs that will change the  start times and end times of schools
  • Per NYS Department of Transportation regulations, buses will not be equipped with hand sanitizer due to its combustible composition and potential liability to the District
  • Bus drivers and attendants will not carry personal bottles of hand sanitizer with them on school buses


  • School bus drivers, attendants, nurses, and mechanics shall perform a self health assessment for symptoms of COVID-19 before arriving to work.  If any are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 they must notify the District and seek medical attention
  • Positive cases of COVID-19 will be communicated to the Transportation Supervisor.  Proper District health and safety procedures will be followed
  • All staff will be required to wear a face covering/face shield while students are on buses 
  • PPE such as gloves, masks, face shields and gowns will be provided by the District as needed for drivers, attendants, nurses, office staff and mechanics
  • Each driver, attendant or nurse that has direct contact with a child must wear gloves
  • Hand sanitizer will be provided for all staff in the  locations such as the time clock area, the transportation office and the  mechanic bays 
  • Transportation Staff will be trained and provided periodic refreshers on the proper use of PPE and the signs and symptoms of COVID-19
  • Transportation Staff will be trained and provided periodic refreshers on proper social distancing
  • COVID-19 training will begin at the 1st Safety Refresher meeting (August), and also the Superintendent’s Days on September 2nd, 3rd and 8th

Students on Transportation Requirements:

  • All parents/guardians will be required to ensure their child/children are not experiencing any signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and do not have a temperature of 100 degrees or more prior to boarding the school bus
  • We will seat students from the rear of the bus forward to prevent students from walking past one another. Students in the pm will board based on the order in which students will be dropped off
  • We will instruct students and parents to maintain 6 foot social distancing at bus stops and while loading and unloading
  • Students must wear a face mask/covering on the school bus if they are physically able.  Students who are unable to medically tolerate a face mask/covering, including students where such covering would impair their physical health or mental health are not subject to the required use of a face covering (same as school requirements)
  • Buses will be equipped with disposable masks in the event a student is in need of one, no eligible student will be denied transportation
  • Transportation staff will train students  and provide periodic reminders on proper use of PPE on a school bus and the signs and symptoms of COVID-19
  • Transportation Staff will train students on proper social distancing on a school bus
  • There will be no eating or drinking on the school bus 
  • Students will embark and disembark  following social distance protocols and enter or leave schools at designated entrances and exits

Our district reopening plan requires that if the school District is in session remotely or otherwise, pupil transportation must be provided to nonpublic, parochial, private, charter schools or students whose Individualized Education Program have placed them out of district whose school are meeting in conducting in-person session education when/if the district is not.

Special Education:

  • Transportation for students with special needs will comply with students IEP and FAPE requirements
  • Wheelchair buses will configure wheelchair placement to ensure social distancing of 6 feet
  • Attendants will be required to wear proper PPE at all times while attending to students 
  • Social distancing will be in place on the Special Education buses

Off Island Buses:

  • At transfers, students will maintain proper social distancing 

Jack Burns Transportation Center:

  • Identification Tags must be worn to enter All District buildings


  • Implement a process for parents of eligible students to request or opt-out of transportation so as to develop an accurate picture of students who will ride the bus
  • Review COVID-19 transportation budget
  • Review COVID -19  transportation schedules for safety and timeliness
  • Alternate transportation to be limited to one location am and pm daily
  • Alternate transportation to be submitted by August 14,2020 (2 week notice) to review the increased or decreased number of students on buses

COVID-19 Alternate Transportation

For contact tracing purposes, alternate transportation requests must be set up for the entire 2020-21 school year and must reflect the same schedule for both days. Students must take the same AM bus to the same location every day, and the same PM bus to the same location every day, per your student's schedule.