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About Us

Our Philosophy

In an effort to create a culture of high expectations, the Grand Island Central School District is committed to providing challenging curriculum designed for all students which reflect the abilities and needs, interests and learning styles of students of both genders, all racial, linguistic, economic and cultural groups.Β  An attitude of appreciation and acceptance of individual differences is encouraged and supported by administration, teachers, and the educational system.

Students with special needs have the right to a free and appropriate public education and the right to participate fully in opportunities for learning and growth appropriate to their strengths and needs.Β  Working together with general education to provide effective teaching, and ensure those students with additional educational needs benefit from additional supports, our goal for special education students is to learn communication skills, socialization, independence, and the value of self and others as contributing members of society, along with their typical peers.

The Grand Island Central School District recognizes the special education student’s fundamental right to an education appropriate to meet their unique needs.Β  We believe the optimum learning environment provides access to a full continuum of services and programs designed to meet the needs of the special education student in the regular education classroom setting with age appropriate peers. Therefore, special education students are educated with non-disabled students unless the nature and severity of the disability is such that education in the regular classes utilizing supplementary aids and services cannot be delivered satisfactorily. We recognize some students have needs that cannot be met by the school system in isolation.Β  The district is committed to developing close partnerships with parents, organizations, and schools representing the needs of these children.