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Pupil Personnel Services

Special Education / Pupil Personnel Services

Welcome to Grand Island CSD Pupil Personnel Department's Web page!


Cheryl Cardone

Assistant Superintendent of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services
Grand Island Central School District 
1100 Ransom Road
Grand Island, New York 14072


  • Deborah Longo, Secretary                           716-404-1214
  • Julie Milley, Secretary                                   716-773-8815
  • Angela Amato, CSE/CPSE Chairperson      716-404-1217
  • Lisa O'Leary, CPSE Secretary                       716-773-8806

The mission of the Grand Island Schools is to inspire all students to achieve their highest potential by fostering academic excellence, personal growth and social responsibility. 

Our primary goal is to provide an individualized education program for every child in the District, who is classified as a student with an educational disability. A student is classified through the District's Committee on Special Education and Committee on Preschool Special Education.

Student services available beyond the regular comprehensive educational program are:

The office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You can contact us at 716-773-8815 or 716-773-8816. If there is no answer, please leave a voice mail message and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.


To learn more about our Family Support Services program, please watch this video or click this link.