Requests & Process
What is the Assistive Technology Request Process?
The Assistive Technology Request Process is used to select and implement new or upgraded Assistive Technologies. This process is meant to ensure that assistive technology resources are used as creatively, efficiently, and effectively as possible.
When should I use the Assistive Technology Request Process?
You must use this process whenever a new or upgraded assistive technology is considered for implementation.
What are the benefits if complying to this process?
The benefits of using this process are:
- A more efficient and effective process for requesting, obtaining and implementing assistive technologies.
- Technical support for the approved software/hardware.
- Staff development and instructional support for approved software/hardware.
- Consideration Checklist (Short Form) and cover page - The Basic CSE Team (parent, special ed teacher/case manager, psychologist, classroom teacher [if a collaborative classroom], social worker/counselor, vision, speech & OT/PT) will complete the checklist (determines/indicates area(s) of instructional need) and sign the cover page. The completed checklist, coupled with the use of the Tech Matrix linked below, will identify the type of assistive technology that the team wants to trial. The team will then examine the current AT inventory lists, located in the Technology Document Library, to determine if an item already owned by the district fits the needs of the student.
- The team member who will work most closely with the student and the technology completes the Assistive Technology Trial Request Form. Requests can be for either an item already in the inventory or an item the team wants considered for purchase. Form follows chain of communication (Team – Psychologist – Building Principal – Director of PPS – Technology Department).
- Whenever possible, the Technology Department will arrange a trial of the product. In-house items will have a minimum of a 30-day trial. Trial length for items not in our inventory will be determined by the vendor.
- After the trial period, the requestor/lead person indicated on request form, will complete the Assistive Technology Trial Evaluation Form. If the technology was determined to meet the needs of the student the item will be signed out from the Technology Department (if in-house) or a timeline will be determined for purchasing. Every effort will be made to get the appropriate technology into the hands of the student.
- Optional - Annual Review – the CSE team will determine if the technology needs to be added to the IEP.
Please note that all forms for the Assistive Technology Process, including Inventory Lists can be found in the Technology Document Library - Assistive Technology category. For a video on how to access document libraries, please see below.
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