Assistive Technology
Assistive Technology
The Grand Island Central School District is committed to providing high-quality technologies and resources to improve the learning of all students.
What is Assistive Technology?
Assistive technology devices are identified in the IDEA as: "any item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of children with disabilities. (Section 300.5)
IDEA - The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Public Law 105-17)
Do all Assistive Technologies requests go through the GI Instructional Technology Department?
No, not all assistive technology devices are requested through the technology department. The definition provided above is very broad and includes items we also refer to as Adaptive Devices/Equipment.
What Assistive Technologies are already available in Grand Island Schools?
For a full list of Assistive Technologies already in use across the district, please go to the Technology Document Library (Assistive Technology Category) via iNotes/Lotus Notes.
How do I get Assistive Technology for my student (s)?
To request Assistive Technology for your student (s), please see the Requests & Process Page.
Who created this process and developed this site?
The Grand Island Central School District's Assistive Technology Committee (members listed below) created the Request Process/Forms and gathered the resources provided on this site to ensure:
- careful decision-making at the building and district level regarding assistive technology
- establish and maintain consistency regarding requests
- technical and instructional support for assistive technology
Committee Member | Title |
Cheryl Cardone | Director of Pupil Personnel Services |
Robin Kwiatek | Director of Instructional Technology |
Mary Haggerty | Principal, Kaegebein Elementary School |
Jamie Mancuso-Dulak | Instructional Technology Teacher |
Michelle Smock | School Psychologist |
Alexis Reddien | School Psychologist |
Lauren Stang | School Psychologist |
Angela Amato | School Psychologist |
Lynda Keipper | Speech Pathologist |
Jennifer Lenhard | Occupational Therapist |
Patrick Crowley | Special Education Teacher |
Laura Murray | Special Education Teacher |
Mrs. Kathy Brown | Special Education Teacher |
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