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Physical Examinations

There are changes to the Health Examination (Physical) Requirements that will take effect July 1, 2018 for your child. New York State has changed the grade level requirements to include all students entering the school district for the first time, those entering Pre-K or K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th grade, will need a health examination physical. The examination must be completed by a New York State licensed physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner, and presented to school within 30 days of entering school. Physicals are valid if performed no sooner than 12 months prior to the first day of school of the year in which it is required. 

At the time of your child’s examination, please request the health care provider to complete the health appraisal form and return it to the school's health office.  In the event the school does not receive the completed health appraisal form for your child by October 1st, we will schedule a health appraisal during the school year to be done by the district's Medical Director.

Health Examination Requirements by Building:
Sidway - Grades PreK, Kindergarten and Grade 1
Huth - Grades 3 and 5
Kaegebein - Grades 3 and 5
Middle School - Grade 7 (no change)
High School - Grades 9 and 11

New York State Law permits schools to request a dental health examination for all new students, and students in Kindergarten, grades Pre-K or K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11. Please have your dentist complete the dental health certificate below and return the completed form below to your school's health office and it will be filed in your child’s Cumulative Health Record. A dental certificate which states your child has been seen by a dentist or dental hygienist is not mandatory.

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