Protocol for Secondary Students Not Currently Participating in Intersholastic Athletics
Protocol for Secondary Students Not Currently Participating in Intersholastic Athletics
In the event a nonstudent-athlete suffers a concussion, during a district sponsored event, like physical education class, school dance, or other non-athletic event, the following protocol will be followed in regards to the studentโs assessment and return to activity criteria.
- If a student is suspected of a concussion, by the mechanism of injury or any signs or symptoms that are reported, they are to be removed from participation of the district sponsored event, by the supervisor of the event, and the parent/guardian must be notified immediately. A school administrator must also be notified, along with the school nurse.ย
If any student suffers a concussion, whether or not they are participating in a district sponsored event, or outside of school, they must provide a clearance note from their Private Medical Provider in orderย to begin a gradual return to playย progression at school. Once the clearance is received by the Health Office, this will allow the student to participate in an exercise test with the Athletic Trainer. After successful completion of this test the student is allowed to participate in the next physical education class, and must report back to the Health Office for the nurse to reassess symptomology. If asymptomatic, student may then be fully cleared by the district physician.