Concussion Policy
The following is a concussion management policy for the Grand Island Central School District (GICSD.) In an effort to better manage the treatment and care of concussions, New York State (NYS) has set requirements and guidelines for the recognition, treatment, and return to play criteria after a concussion. In accordance with these new guidelines, GICSD has developed this policy to determine a concussion management team and define the roles and duties for each member. Also GICSD will have a specific plan of care after a concussion which includes specific return to play criteria for different populations in GICSD. GICSD has a contract for athletic training services with Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center (NFMMC) and in affiliation with UB Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine (UB Ortho.) NFMMC employs certified athletic trainer(s) contracted for sports medicine services at the school and they will abide by this policy.
This policy is for district wide concussion management, and is not limited to Athletics. This policy is based on the guidelines from NYS and the Summary and Agreement Statement of the 3rd International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2008 (Zurich.) This conference established the current guidelines of concussion assessment and return to play criteria. The primary assessment tool from the 2nd International Conference in Prague was the Sports Concussion Assessment Tool (SCAT.) It was updated to a second version named the SCAT2.