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Response to Intervention

An Initiative Underway


Grand Island Central School District has taken a proactive stance in responding to the new mandate entitled, Response to Intervention (RTI). RTI is defined as a “multi-tiered, problem-solving approach that identifies general education students struggling in academic and behavioral areas.” This approach includes the use of systematically applied strategies and targeted instruction at varying levels of intervention. By July 2012, all New York State school districts must have an RTI program in place for grades kindergarten through grade four in the area of reading.

Last year, the Grand Island Central School District developed an RTI Task Force consisting of representatives from each district building including school psychologists, reading specialists and administrators. The RTI Task Force has provided a district-wide framework, vision and map for implementation. A four tiered approach was adopted and defined and prevention and intervention components were outlined at each level. These components cover a continuum of services from general classroom intervention to intensive academic interventions.

Universal screening measures in the area of reading have been conducted at all three elementary schools. Our School Wide Assessment Teams (SWAT) were comprised of academic intervention service providers, speech language pathologists and school psychologists. In combination with the classroom teacher’s reading assessment, students in need of additional intervention were identified. This screening process will be repeated in winter and spring in order to continually monitor each child’s progress throughout the school year.

RTI requires that decisions with regard to intervention are based upon data and that instructional strategies are supported by empirically based research. By implementing this model, we will improve the probability that students’ achievement in literacy will improve, collaboration amongst professionals will be enhanced and special education placements will be decreased. We are excited with the opportunity to implement this framework and look forward to future implementation at the secondary level and within the areas of math, written language and behavior.

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