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GICSD Elementary Report Cards

GICSD Elementary Report Cards

 Elementary School Report Cards
for Grand Island Central School District



With the 2010 adoption of the Common Core Learning Standards(CCLS) for Pre-Kindergarten through commencement, the Grand Island Central School District has been engaging in a comprehensive revision of our programming and reporting documents. Our goal is two-fold:

1.) To best ensure the preparedness of our students for the rigorous expectations; and,

2.) Our communications between and among school professionals, parents, and New York State are aligned with these standards.

One of our more recent endeavors was the review of the Grand Island Elementary Report Card.

Some of the changes include:

  • A common report card format for the Pre-K through Grade 5 levels

  • A transition to a standards-based reporting systems

  • A move to trimester report cards (three times per year) than quarterly reports

  • Use of achievement expectations aligned with NYS expectations of “approaching/meeting” CCLS Standards

  • The inclusion of Indications of Successful Learner Characteristics

Among the most significant changes to the report card will be the purpose of our report card. In recognition that the intention of the district’s report card is to convey to parents and guardians, how well our students are meeting the learning standards as established by New York State, our report card has moved to thoughtfully reflect this change. This will mean change, however, and it is important to understand what some of these changes mean. 

Resources to help understand the report card changes can be found by clicking on the links below.


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