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Instructional Technology

Instructional Technology Curriculum

Using the ISTE Standards (formerly known as NETS) as our framework, we developed Technology Skill Graphs to provide teachers with a clear vision of technology competencies students should exhibit at various grade levels. Skills are organized byΒ the 6 broad categories listed below.Β 


Links to the Skill Graphs for each of the 6 Technology Standards:

  1. Creativity & Innovation
  2. Communication & Collaboration
  3. Research & Information Fluency
  4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving & Decision Making
  5. Digital Citizenship
  6. Technology Operations & Concepts



Please note the above skill graphs are "living documents" and can be changed or updated at any time by the Technology Department, Administrators or TIFs.

How to print a skill graph:
  1. Click the link to go to the appropriate skill graph
  2. Click Print on the toolbar in the Google SpreadsheetΒ - do not use the print feature of your browser!
  3. You shouldn't have to change any of the settings but to confirm, the settings should be:
    1. Current Sheet
    2. Letter
    3. Repeat row headers on each page
    4. Fit to Width
    5. Landscape
  4. Click Print - this creates a pdf document that can then be saved or printed.




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