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Water Testing 2018

Water Testing 2018

To protect public health, New York State (NYS) recently enacted a new regulation requiring that every school test their drinking water for lead. If lead is found at any water outlet at levels above 15 parts per billion (ppb ), NYS requires that action be taken to reduce the lead.
The Grand Island Central School District tested its drinking water for lead in every single elementary building in September. In fact, we conducted our testing at Huth on September 26, Sidway on September 27 and Kaegebein on September 28. Results showed that of the 305 water samples tested in the three elementary buildings, 37 showed lead levels above the 15 ppb mark. 
The Grand Island Central School District tested its drinking water for lead in the secondary buildings on October 25th (Middle School) and October 28th (High School). Results showed that of the 419 water samples tested in the two secondary buildings, only 43 showed lead levels above the 15 ppb mark. 
Our schools will remain open as we remediate the sources that were found to be above the 15 ppb threshold. The timetable for the remediation of each one of the identified sources will depend on the availability of parts, installation and the process of retesting. It is important to note that none of the sources will be put back in service and available for drinking and/or cooking, until the sources are fully mitigated and meet the New York State Department of Health standards.
We will continue water testing in other buildings where employees work or students visit such as our Transportation building, District Office, the Maintenance buildings and our Eco Island site.

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