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Athletic Philosophy

Viking Athletics Philosophy

The Philosophy of Athletics in Grand Island is considered to be an integral part of the school’s educational program.Β 

We believe that athletics:

a.Β Β Provide quality programs for all student athletes and encourage all student athletes to play more than one sport.

b.Β Β Provide a variety of programs and insure all athletes follow the Grand Island Code of Conduct, which includes academic eligibility standards.

c.Β Β Provide quality coaching (90% are Grand Island employees/residents, all role models in the community) and loyalty to Grand Island is a priority.

d.Β Β Provide a safe environment (Facilities, Trainer, Transportation, Beaver Island, River Oaks, Island Lanes, Hall Monitors, Security at contests).

e.Β  Upgraded all aspects of Athletic Facilities and Equipment – all weather track, tennis courts, new gym, weight room, Middle School gym floor, nine team rooms, Physical Education locker rooms, swimming and diving timing system, pitching machine and batting cages.

f.Β Β Β Facility Expansion 2021-22 – Outdoor faculty is arguably the best in WNY.Β  The new turf fields include baseball, softball, multi-purpose fields (soccer, lacrosse and football).Β  All are lighted.Β  New state of the art tennis courts, along with a beautiful concession and expanded parking for all athletic fields.

g.Β Β Β Provide Athletic Opportunities and Scholarships – Online College Scouting, Hewitt Award, Outstanding Athlete, Scholar Athlete Teams/Individual NYS Scholar Athlete Recognition, Physical Education Scholarship, Gene Masters Memorial Scholarship, Julie Roth Neville and Carlin Hartman Family Scholarships.