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How to Tryout for a Sport

How to Try Out for a Sport

To Tryout For a Sport

In keeping with the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, Grand Island Central School District requires that prior to trying out and practicing for a team, all athletes must have a physical examination and receive the school physician's approval to participate.  The district provides opportunities for students to receive these physicals, at no cost to the student.  The annual athletic physical is offered during the spring season. 

If, for some reason, you prefer to have this physical examination done by your private physician or if your child has missed the scheduled physicals given at school, the Grand Island Central School District will allow sports participation physicals to be done by the student's private physician with the following stipulations:

  • The Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation form must be filled out in its entirety.
  • Each item must be assessed/reviewed by a physician.
  • Physician examination can only be done by the student's personal private medical doctor (not a family member or friend) who is duly licensed to practice in New York State.  This includes either a certified nurse practitioner or a registered physician's assistant who works for a private physician.
  • The school physician has the final authority to determine the physical capability of a student to participate in a sport.
  • This sports physical examination is good for one (1) calendar year from the date of the physical.
  • Any student whose safe participation is in question as a result of the Interim Health History interview, an injury, or a prolonged absence must be requalified by the school physician prior to participation.              

The extent of injury or the nature of the illness will determine the need for requalification.  This determination will be assessed on an individual basis in conjunction with school health personnel and the private health care provider, if appropriate.  However, the school physician must make the final decision.


All students interested in signing up for a sport must go to the Athletic Sign Up For Sports page, click on the Sign Up link and follow the instructions to do so.


Forms Required


1.  MUST have a current physical annually (Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation Form filled out by a parent/guardain).  Form to be turned into the athletic office. If a student did not receive an athletic physical during the Spring (when we offer them FREE of charge), must turn in a physical from their private doctor BEFORE the start of the sport.


2.  Bring the "Interval Health History" form completed on your first day of practice. (Fall sport athletes will sign up BEFORE they leave for summer break)


3.  Eligibility must be passing four units plus physical education.


4.  Sign “Athletic/Extracurricular Agreement” & "Concussion Policy" and return to coach before the first contest. Extra copies are on the website forms section.


Parents of 7th and 8th Grade Students

All 7th and 8th grader students interested in trying out for a Varsity or Junior Varsity High School Sport, must pass the Athletic Placement Process (APP) (Ftness Test) by Mr. Carney (this is sport specific).  You will NOT be able to tryout unless this test has been completed (exception Golf/Bowling).  This test is not needed if a student athlete is trying out for a Modified sport.