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Athletic Placement Process/Fitness Testing - 'APP'

Athletic Placement Process/Fitness Testing - 'APP'

Grand Island Central School District Athletic Placement Process
The next Athletic Placement Process/Fitness Test (APP Test) for Fall sports will be conducted Monday, Aug. 12, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.    
Interested Student Athletes should meet Mr. Carney at the Track with completed paperwork.  
All paperwork must be completed prior to testing.  A Fitness Test cannot be administered without completing paperwork.  Paperwork cannot be completed at the testing, it will not be accepted.  The Parent/Guardian Permission (Form A) must be completed and signed by the student's parent/guardian and the Coach's Sport Skill Evaluation (Form B) must be completed and signed by the student's coach (Youth/Club/Travel) or PE Teacher, not the APP Instructor.  Please contact Mr. Carney at with any questions prior to the testing date.  
It is highly recommended to take a practice Physical Fitness Test prior to the actual testing.  
The Physical Fitness Test is for any Middle School Student who wishes to play a High School Varsity or Junior Varsity Sport.  You must complete the APP Packet prior to the above date.  Again, if the packet is not complete, a fitness test cannot be administered.  
Step by Step Process for Parent/Guardian and Student Athletes:
1. Student Athletes will need to obtain an Athletic Placement Process Informational Packet and return the same before fitness testing can be completed.  Packets can be either picked up in the Athletics Department Office, found online at (click Athletics Tab) or found under Related Files below.
2. Parent/Guardian must read and complete the Parent/Guardian Permission Statement (page 1 of 2, marked "A") and sign the Parent/Guardian Statement (page 2 of 2, marked "A") before fitness testing, or Student Athletes will not be allowed to participate in the Fitness Testing Process.
3. Student Athletes receive a Skill Evaluation, completed by one of the following:   
  • Youth/Club/Travel Coach who is knowledgeable about the student’s skill level and has witnessed him/her participate against students of the age level in which they wish to compete; or
  • Grand Island Central School District Physical Education Teacher who is knowledgeable of the student’s skill and fitness level for the specific sport.

The Coach/Teacher who completed the Coach's Sport Skill Evaluation (Form B) must be the one to sign said form, not the APP Instructor.  

4. Student Athletes must have on file in the Health Office or provide a current physical exam (within the last 12 months), including a tanner maturity score.  Physicals can be obtained from student's primary care physician or local urgent care.  
5. Review and practice fitness procedures before taking the test. This cannot be emphasized enough. The test includes a mile run, sit-ups in a minute, sit and reach (flexibility), a 10-yard shuttle run, and pull-ups.

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