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Grand Island School & Business Alliance (GISBA) -Β A Successful School/Business PartnershipΒ 

The Grand Island School & Business Alliance (GISBA) began through the dedication of Tony Brindisi, a former school board member, and superintendent Paul Fields. The organization continues to flourish as it unites two vital segments of the community - the schools and business.

Thanks to GISBA, students have had the opportunity to find out firsthand what the world of work is like through such programs as Shadow Day, Jr. Achievement, DECA, mock interviews and internships.

In addition, students have stretched their horizons through other GISBA sponsored activities such as Youth Court, speakers and seminars, community education courses, Corporate Bowl, and adopt-a-school programs. GISBA's focus is dedicated to prepare both college-bound and trades-bound youth for careers. The program helps students by stimulating new ideas, heightening awareness of customer orientation, encouraging citizenship and community involvement, promoting entrepreneurial attributes, and increasing understanding of industry's needs.

For further information, contact the Grand Island School & Business Alliance at (716) 773-8801 or visit their website.